FOXBUSTERS YouTube Who Ya Gunna Call?

“FOXBUSTERS” The name, concept and website domain name established February 18th 2012

FOXBUSTERS® are addressing the Australian Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) problem. This website should appeal to fox shooters and fox hunters.  Aiming to curb the increasing numbers by better understanding fox behavior, damage to habitat, den sites where pairing dog fox and vixen mate and raise their cubs or kits. Fox diseases, (e.g. Mange, distemper and potential carriers of rabies and tape worm). Addressing and improving control methods (e.g. Hunting, shooting trapping, baiting and biological control).

Collecting and sharing known, new and innovative ways to reduce fox numbers.

Feral cats are also targeted for the damage they do to wildlife and agriculture with their hunting and the diseases they carry.


Some pictures, graphics stories and descriptions may offend those with certain sensitivities.

For additional information see the Legal section of this site.

FOXBUSTERS YouTube channel

25 thoughts on “About FOXBUSTERS®

  1. I have just found Foxbusters. It is a really useful organization for sharing information.
    I have been shooting foxes for the better part of 50 years. My choice of weapon is a Ruger M77 220 Swift though I have used a 243,308 and 22 rimfire.
    A couple of things that I have learned over the years:
    If a fox won’t stop, even momentarily, in the light and continues to run you will usually get a good chance at a shot just before they dive into a ditch, creekbed or gully as they stop to fix your position. Follow them and be ready to take the shot. Practicing target acquisition on a regular basis is important. You will only have one or two seconds at best to acquire and fire.These are important foxes to shoot as they are the older, smarter ones that have probably been shot at and missed in the past.
    When shooting in sheep country, especially during lambing season, a giveaway that a fox is nearby is that the sheep flock is tightly grouped and not feeding. Look around the group and you will find a set of eyes 10 to 20 metres away and possibly another set part way around the flock.
    Foxes in peri urban areas don’t seem to be nervous
    about humans – they should be easy to shoot. Don’t panic and don’t miss because they won’t be as easy next time.
    John SA

  2. Hi there I live in Victoria and would like to try your parrot fix call on my semi rural property
    Cheers Don

  3. Hi Graham I have done my share of feral control for quite some time and yes the fox can be hard to call in sometimes could you send me copy of that caller I’m keen to try it in northern New regards Brian

  4. Serious fox problems on my coastal average
    To smart for traps now
    Your parrot call may do the trick

  5. Hi Graham

    Just read your excellent article on the “Secret weapon”. The boys and I are about to embark on our annual hunting trip to the North West of WA. Is it possible to send me a copy of this “secret weapon” and we will give it an almighty test. We will let you know the result.



  6. Hi mate, keep up the great work. Could you please send me a copy of the distress call.

    Thanks heaps
    Ryan Porter

  7. Hi graham,just reading your article in aust shooter,great work (fun) you are doing,our group goes out in cooler weather(snakes&dogs don’t mix) over here we lost a lot of cover with floods,stock grazing ,cannot wait to bowl em over

  8. Just signed up to this sight , love hitting the ferals out of Perth , I’m a whistler and just investing in night vision , definitely going to check out your secret weapon , not into spiotting as around where I shoot foxes see a spotty and run like mad

  9. hi fox busters thank you for what you are doing to help us learning fox getters to get more foxes with all your tips and help how do i by your secret weapon will it get the foxes that will not come to the calls late in the seasond or year all the best jimmy booth

  10. Thanks for your feedback Mandy. I enjoyed meeting like minded people that share a concern for the species under threat from foxes.
    The more responsible Furry Feral hunters, the better.

  11. Hey Graham, what a great workshop session you presented today at the Elleker Hall in Albany on behalf of Torbay Catchment Group. We are so pleased with the outcomes – we are forming a furry feral (and other nasties) control group, and also a group to support endangered species e.g. ring tailed possum, red tailed cockatoos and phascogales.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work! I am keen to become a furry feral hunter!

    Mandy from TCG

  12. I would like to thank Graham for putting on the Fox Busters event at the Gosnells Pub yesterday (Sunday 22nd) is was very encouraging to hear others experiences chasing the game we all love to hunt.

  13. Hi, I have just retired and moved to the country for a more stress free life, ha ha.
    It turns out that this is real fox country and I now live in what the locals call fox alley.
    In my younger days I used to hunt on a regular basis so now that I have more time I am taking it up again.

  14. Great to hear about all the efforts Foxbusters are putting into reducing fox numbers in Australia. Both landholders and wildlife including the critically endangered Western Ground Parrot benefit.

  15. Thanks for that Ken. I hope we are providing some good strategies for fox hunters. On the properties we hunt, more foxes are found within a kilometer of the homestead than further out. I often say “you never know where you might see a fox”. Safety First yes, check out our Code of Practice.
    I have no experience with ‘Silent Dog Whistles’ with foxes. Worth investigating.

  16. Fox shooters should work out the good strategies as well as the bad plans, and keep the bad plans to an absolute minimum. One bad plan is to start looking for foxes once you get well away from the house (if you have a bush setting, I dont mean in Pitt street!)) I’v found fox scat on the back veranda, and seen many a fox run off into the dark because I haven’t started looking for them yet. Expect to see one as you leave the house, if you are looking for them. Safety first through, as all ways!

    And does anyone know if ‘Silent Dog Whistles’ work on foxes? curious to know if they are what they say and if they work.

  17. Thanks for the comment Alan. Did those old bushies use a GPS collar on those foxes I wonder? Those who have, claim foxes travel about 15km a night. Logically, if food is plentiful they wouldn’t bother to do even 15km. If food is scarce, they wouldn’t have the energy to do 60 MILES a night.
    I’ll be interested to try the 30 degrees. The shotgunners on the back might complain, but I’ll tell them it’s not my idea.
    In our experience, wind has a bigger influence on fox behavior than moon phase.

  18. When I first started to study foxes, I sat and talked to half a dozen old bushies in the Willow Tree area of N.S.W.
    I was told that foxes travelled up to 60 MILES a night. So needless to say we spotlighted them on about 12000 acres we had at our disposal. Over the years we found foxes on a hit or miss basis as I was forced to shoot school holidays. I eventually realised that we saw more foxes consistently in the DARKS(straight after the FULL MOON). Has any body else noticed this?
    Ps Foxes are normal-drive straight at them and they WILL break BUT drive at 30degres and keep them in the EDGE of the light and they will sit and watch you-TRY THIS!

  19. Would love to get some information on any fox hunts in nsw. I live in s/w sydney. Currently chasing foxes about once a week. Any information would be great guys.

  20. Hi Graham, You sent me a copy of the secret weapon last year, recently I loaded it onto an Icotech 350 electronic caller, which I usually place about 50m away upwind. This combo is proving devastating to ol’ brer fox, especially when the usual Tenterfield whistle is not on the menu. It is something else to watch the fox from a short distance approaching the call at speed or stalking, having no idea he is about to wear a 50gn ballistic tip.

    Thanks again.

  21. Is there any similar group focused on foxes in NSW?

    I shoot foxes whenever I see them and got one as recently as yesterday but I’d like to concentrate on hunting them. Most friends aren’t interested and I need a good hunting mate to cover my back when calling.
    Thank You,
    Barry Stephenson

  22. can you please let me know when the next tunney fox shoot is.

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